There are many good reasons people live, work, play and do business in paradise. Here are just a few:


Stability and Safety

The Cayman Islands has long boasted a stable and democratic government. As a British Overseas Territory, the country has a Governor appointed by the British monarchy with a legal and judicial system based on English common law. Crime rate is extremely low making it one of the safest countries in the Caribbean. Its sophisticated infrastructure includes state-of-the art telecommunications and modern healthcare and educational facilities.


Thriving Economy

As one of the world’s top ten financial centres with more than 100,000 companies registered here, it’s no wonder the local economy continues to thrive. According to the Cayman Islands Economics and Statistics office, there was an estimated 3.6% growth in 2018 (GDP) and a current unemployment rate of 2.8 percent.


High Quality of Life

People who live here enjoy the good life which includes benefits such as no direct taxation in the form of corporate, capital gains, personal income or property taxes. Residents also have access to quality education and healthcare along with many modern amenities, high-quality shops, an energetic culinary scene, and dozens of fitness and entertainment options.